Tuesday, March 27, 2012

LA vs. the "Rolling Stones"

Jimmy and I were very excited about the one-week trip during my sabbatical to Los Angeles.  It was the only trip that Jimmy could be with me.  During March 9 through 17 we had planned to see LA, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Pasadena the beach and Pilgrim Place, a United Church of Christ retirement community, where I had an appointment to begin plans for my retirement.

About two hours before we were to leave for the airport Jimmy was experiencing excruciating pain in his side.  We thought first that it was an appendix attack.  There was no other choice but to go to the ER.

The ER Doctor was concerned that it could be Jimmy's appendix, liver, kidney, gallbladder or pancreas.  They were not able to determine exactly what was causing the pain.  Jimmy was sent home from the ER with upcoming appointments for more tests in the coming week.

The good news is that the appendix, liver, kidney, gallbladder and pancreas were all fine.  The bad news is that he has 5 kidney stones bouncing around.  He has passed one.  The rest are still with him.  The pain comes and goes and it looks like this will be a long process for Jimmy.

Although we were both very disappointed to cancel the LA trip, we are grateful Jimmy will be okay once the stones are all "rolled away."  We're looking forward to Easter!  Thank you for your prayers.

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