Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Final Week

I have come to the last week of my sabbatical.  It has been a wonderful time of rest, relaxation, renewal, creativity, ceasing of work (most of the time), reflection, prayer, dreaming, connecting with family, some travel, retreat, and enormous gratitude.

I have read more books in three months than I have in the past three years.  I have read:
  • "This Odd and Wondrous Calling" by Lillian Daniel and Martin B. Copenhaven
  • "Becoming the Pastor You Hope to Be" by Barbara J. Blodgett
  • "Liberating Hope - Daring to Renew the Mainline Church" by Michael Piazza and Cameron Trimble
  • "If the Church Were Christian - Rediscovering the Values of Jesus" by Philip Gulley
  • "Good News Preaching" by Gennifer Benjamin Brooks
And I will have finished before my final day of sabbatical:
  • "Prophetic Renewal - Hope for the Liberal Church" by Michael Piazza
I have a short reading list layed out for my professional reading when I return:
  • "Speaking Christian - Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power and How They Can Be Restored" by Marcus Borg
  • "The Evolution of Faith - How God is Creating a Better Christianity" by Philip Gulley
  • "Lazarus, Come Forth! by Jesuit priest and peace activist, John Dear
  • "Journey to the Common Good" by Walter Brueggemann
  • "Islam - A Short History" by Karen Armstong
I'm looking forward to being back at St. John Church and most of all being with my congregation whom I appreciate so much for their prayers and support during my sabbatical time.

I want to again say thank you to the Pastoral Relations Committee, Church Council, our Association Minister, Ruth Brandon, Pastor Steve Hecky from St. John's United Church of Christ in Newport, and Ken Weidinger and the Congregational Care Team.

A special thanks to our staff: Brad Caldwell, Debbie Cummings, and Jimmy Smith.

And thank you to our Scholar in Residence, Sarah Melcher, who provided leadership in worship and pastoral presence in my absence and without whose help I would not have been able to be away for this important and needed sabbatical.

And to Jimmy Smith for his understanding, patience and support which helped me to use every minute of this sabbatical as I needed and wanted to for professional and personal growth and renewal.

Praise be to God!

Pastor Keith

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