Friday, February 3, 2012

From the Gulf Coast - Part II

My personal retreat month has been very helpful.  Except for 10 days down in my back and visiting the Chiropractor, I have spent my days walking on the beach, hiking trails, light Yoga, daily meditation, reading scripture, reading vocationally related books, Morning Prayer and cooking.  I have shared this time with my colleague and friend, The Rev. Pat Williamson from Unity Christ Church, Golden Valley, MN.  He too is on a sabbatical.  Doing this retreat together was affordable and very beneficial to both of us.

Me and Rev. Pat on the hiking trail.

I have finished the book "Becoming the Pastor You Hope to Be - Four Practices for Improving Ministry".  A very helpful and encouraging read.  I have joked several times while reading this book that it was published about 30 years too late for me.  However, I am coming away from this read with a number of helpful things.  When I return to my regular ministry schedule two things I hope to implement from this book are: 1) Seek out several mentors who have done what I hope to do in my ministry site and 2) Create a Clergy Peer Group that will provide a space for me where ministry can be less isolating, shared, examined, and owned, by a group of sympathetic colleagues.  A group that will allow a safe place to share and receive feedback about ministry.  This, I believe, will be very helpful to me as well as my congregation.

On Sunday, January 29th I worshiped at a local Episcopal congregation.  It was a wonderful time of worship.

My reading included many other books and devotional resources.  One quote I particularly liked from my readings is from "The Journey With the Master" by Eva Bell Werber,

"Many words and much speaking do not denote consciousness." 

A Scripture related to this comes from Proverbs 10:19b,
"...the prudent are restrained in speech."

Words to grow from.  Blessings, Pastor Keith

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